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BGreen Branding Refresh

BGreen is Brattle’s firm-wide sustainability program, featuring a commitment for Brattlers to annually offset their carbon footprint, as well as work towards additional ways to reduce the firms’ collective footprint. With a representative in each of Brattle’s offices globally, they help implement local sustainability initiatives. In efforts to reduce the firm’s environmental impact, Brattle offsets 100% of carbon emissions from in-office electricity use, heating and cooling, as well as our air-travel. This is done by investing in projects that save carbon and help local communities.

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Catalant Careers Page

Catalant is a company that has had to evolve its brand and its messaging a few times. During my time there, the newly formed Design team led a refresh of the most recent rebranding, altering the color palette and other stylistic elements. As part of this refresh initiative, I worked closely with junior designers, marketing, and the recruitment team to reimagine the experience of our Careers page. 

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